How To React When An Employee ResignsNo matter how good of an employer you are and how perfect the working conditions in your environment are, you are going to have employees resign. It is just a simple fact of business. It is important as a manager or business owner that you handle the resignation of an employee the right way so the person who is leaving goes away with the right attitude about your business and your remaining people see how you treat others that choose to move on from your business.

Reasons for Employee Resignations

People resign from places of business for a wide range of reasons – some of them good and some of them bad. In fact, if you have a good employee there is a good chance you could lose them as they will be highly sought after workers for other companies.

People often resign in order to take a new opportunity elsewhere to advance their career. While they may wish they could stay with your business, if you don’t have the position they seek they will be forced to move on. In many cases, people resign in order to move closer to family and friends, so they can start families or otherwise move their life forward. In some cases, employees resign to get away from a bad boss. However, if this is the case, the only one who can be blamed is you.

Process When Employee Resigns

Employees will most often tell their bosses first when they resign. It is important for the employee’s boss to be understanding and flexible with the employee while still maintaining all the regulations and procedures of the business. Have the manager inform the employee what is expected to begin the resignation procedure and also begin working immediately to find a replacement.

If the employee represents a threat to the current work as soon as he or she resigns and they did give the standard notice, you can choose to end employment that day and have them leave the premises. This is rare, however, and it is a good idea to pay them through the term of their notice as well even if you end employment that day.

How To React

During a good employee’s last days at the company, it is important to continue to treat them as if they weren’t leaving while getting the work done at your business. At the same time, you must be sure they complete all the final employee requirements during this time. Remember to not take their resignation personally as in many cases your business has nothing to do with the resignation. When the final day of employment does come, celebrate with the employee as they embark on their next endeavor in life.

Perform Exit Interviews

Exit interviews with a valued employee who is leaving can be an invaluable insight into what your workers think of your business. Sit down with your employee and get their opinions on your business and how you get things done. You can then use this information to improve your workplace, even more making it more attractive to potential employees and it can even help you keep the ones you already have.

Losing a good employee can be disheartening for any business owner. With all the time and effort you invested in training and the long hours spent working with the employee it can be easy to take the resignation personally. Remember, in most cases it’s not your fault – it is the simple changes in life which are to blame.
Take it in your stride and work with the employee to make the transition smooth and easy for both parties involved.

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